My Luxoria
Mød vores team
Vores historie
Vi er et fantastisk team af ambitiøse, succesrige og unge fagfolk, der elsker deres job og hver dag motiveres af den store respons fra vores gæster til at fortsætte vores arbejde, som vi gør.
Som virksomhed smøger vi ærmerne op for at nå vores ultimative mål - at levere den bedste kundeservice, give dig et mangfoldigt udbud af luksusejendomme i Kroatien og hjælpe dig med at opnå den rejseoplevelse, der en gang i livet.
Det er simpelthen vores mission at forstå og hjælpe dig med at skabe varige indtryk i Kroatien. Når det er sagt, betragter vi My Luxoria ikke kun som et rejsebureau...det er fremtidige minder, uforglemmelige oplevelser, udfordrende eventyr og spændende opdagelser.
Lad os derfor introducere os selv hurtigt og give dig et glimt af, hvem det kreative og dynamiske My Luxoria-Team er, og hvad det er, der gør My Luxoria unik!
PS. Hvem ved, måske en dag drikker vi den berømte kroatiske kaffe sammen!
My Luxoria familie
Founder and CEO
Ankica Ćaleta, a young and successful businesswoman, launched My Luxoria on her own in 2017 after working in the tourism industry her entire life. She noticed several potential chances for business growth after many years of first-hand experience and market analysis.
Guest Support & Data Analyst
In my role as a booking agent and data analyst specializing in reservations, I am responsible for assisting clients in securing bookings for their desired accommodations. I leverage my knowledge of available options and customer preferences to provide personalized recommendations and ensure a seamless booking process. Additionally, I analyze reservation data, tracking key metrics and trends to optimize inventory management and pricing strategies. By combining my booking expertise with data analysis skills, I contribute to maximizing revenue and enhancing the overall booking experience for clients.
Booking Agent
Ines is learning to be a fantastic support for our customers and assisting them in achieving their dream trip as a new member of the My Luxoria Team. Every day, she gains a broader understanding of the tourism sector.
Finance & Accounting Department
As an accountant, my role revolves around managing financial records, transactions, and reports for individuals or organizations. I am responsible for accurately recording and reconciling financial data, ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Additionally, I analyze financial information to generate reports and provide insights for decision-making purposes. I play a crucial role in maintaining financial stability, assessing budgets, and identifying opportunities for cost savings or revenue growth.
Booking Agent & Content Creator
I work as a booking agent, assisting guests in finding the perfect villa for their vacation in Croatia. I dedicate part of my working hours to PR and content creation for the My Luxoria website. In collaboration with the PR team, we develop strategies to promote our luxury villas and attract new guests. I am also responsible for creating informative and engaging content that provides guests with all the necessary information and inspiration to choose the perfect accommodation.
Booking Agent
As a booking agent, my primary responsibility is to assist guests in finding the perfect villa for their vacation. I work closely with clients to understand their preferences, requirements, and budget, offering personalized recommendations and options. Using my knowledge of available properties and local expertise, I facilitate the booking process, ensuring a smooth and seamless experience for guests.
Bliv vores partner
Affiliate program
Samarbejd med My Luxoria, vær kreativ, og du kan tjene op til €100 hver booking ved at bruge vores fantastiske nye affiliate-program!
Bloggere, forfattere, journalister, udgivere og indholdsudbydere med en aktiv hjemmeside og en passion for kvaliteten af deres materiale for forbrugere er velkomne til at deltage i My Luxorias Affiliate-programmet. Her er et par stærke grunde til at deltage i vores program:
- Ved bekræftede reservationer er provisioner på op til 100 € mulige.
- Jo flere henvisninger du sender vores vej, jo større kommer din provision.
- Tilknyttede nyhedsbreve, der kan hjælpe dig med at øge dine provisioner
- Du finder en stor portefølje af håndplukkede ejendomme på én enkelt platform.
- Kampagner og fremragende priser på et bredt udvalg af villaer er tilgængelige på regelmæssig basis.
Kontakt os venligst, hvis du har spørgsmål eller gerne vil udforske salgsfremmende muligheder. Vi kontakter dig hurtigst muligt, og vi glæder os til at møde dig! Lad os lave kreativitet sammen!