My Luxoria

Medieval Fair in Šibenik Croatia: Travelling back in famous historical times of the city

Medieval Fair in Šibenik Croatia: Travelling back in famous historical times of the city

Every year in September in theeve of St. Michael's celebration, patron of the Šibenikcity, a Fair in the Medieval Sibenik takes place.

It is the fair for inhabitants and peasants, masters of old Handicrafts and gastronomic specialties of the Dalmatian cuisine in the ancient times.

Travel back in time and explore Šibenik city as it once was with actors telling ancient tales of the area, authentic streetwalkers in traditional folk costumes, craftsmenof the time, knights and much more!

The event of the fair honors Saint Micheal and it is truly a magnificent time to visit Šibenik city, with locals and tourists enjoy their time in this feast of fun, history, and culture combined!

During the fair Šibenik squares and stone streets return to Middle Ages and every guest and local can enjoy numerous interestingattractions, with the first Medival Fair organized in 2005. So almost 15 years of tradition awaits!

In 2019, the 15th Medival Fair in Šibenik will be held from 6th to 8th of September organized by the City of Šibenik and Tourist Board, Craftsmen association and the Šibenik City Guard who are all very involved in this magnificent attraction.

The fair will start on Friday the 6th at noon when all the craftsmen will open their stands and show their guests their products.

After that, you can see theater shows, juggling shows, knight battles, welcome parade and much more with events spread out all over the Šibenik city center and old city core.

On the next day, an interesting cannon firewill take place along with many other activities like a fashion show,sea battle, and fire shows.

Last day will be memorable too, so be sure to add Medieval Fair in Šibenik to your list of must-visit spots!

Be sure to book your villa in Šibenik on time!

Foto. MyLuxoria, Šibenik Tourist Board

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