My Luxoria

Coronavirus: Do I need to cancel my vacation in Croatia?

Coronavirus: Do I need to cancel my vacation in Croatia?

Although it is not yet possible for many to believe, we live in historic moments. The small virushas plagued the vast population and the entire world. For a short period of time, the virus blocked our daily routine, quarantined us and the worst - caused panicand confusion.

You have already booked your accommodationfor the summer holidays and can't wait for a well deserved vacation with your family and friends in Croatia.

It is normal that you do not know now whether you need to cancel your reservation immediately or wait.

Don't worry - My Luxoria Team is aware of current situation and is available for all your questions TheCOVID-19 pandemia has shaken both you and us and the whole economy.

My Luxoria is solidary, reasonableand flexiblewith its clients. For all guests who cannot come on vacation, their reservations will be kept at a later date and the money will not be lost.

We will monitor the situation with the pandemia and keep in touch.

In the meantime, what we need to do is necessarily - to obey the instructions of the authorities and health professionals and not to panic.

Fear is the worst emotion! FEAR - you can Forget Everything And Run or Face Everything And Rise - the choice is yours.

It may sound cliché, but it's important to remain optimisticin these situations. Life has not stopped, everything you can do today- do it today.

Fortunately, if you are able to come to Croatia for a vacation, be sure that your private villa will be especially prepared, cleanand disinfectedas it normally is regardless of the virus.

We remind you once again to follow the prescribed and mandatory instructions:

  • Washyour hands frequently and avoidtouching face
  • Covernose and mouth when sneezing or coughing
  • Openwindows to allow air circulation
  • Seek immediate medical attention if you have any symptoms
  • Disinfectcommonly used items such as laptops, phones, wallets, etc.
  • Avoidlarger groups of people and public gatherings

We know you all can't wait for this to pass and that you can travel again. So be smart, listen to the directions, keep your family safe, and stay positive because you deserve a positive outcome!

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